This has led to a more responsible usage of these resources. We have saved paper & electricity across the organization

6400 kg

7800 kg

of waste from our depots converted in to cement





Gender parity We have been actively working on inducting females in our workforce, we have moved from 16 women Morisoners to 30 women Morisoners now

Volunteering – Volunteering is all about being able to contribute some of your own time to help people in our communities. At JLM we do believe in reaching out to the communities in need and engaging with them

Employees participate in Bal Asha’s summer camp activities- gift wrapping, longest paper chain, sandwich making as well as art and craft

A blood donation drive was conducted where 30 units of blood were collected

On Independence Day the employees conducted an art activity for the students with hearing and speech disabilities at Vipla’s school

Employees volunteering with Akshay Patra – serving meals to schools associated with Akshay Patra

Our employees PAN India tie-up with various NGOs in order to provide help to different communities





We adhere to the code of conduct policy to ensure fairness across our organization


Governance is the fairness with which the leadership of the company deals with its employees and shareholders putting in place policies that are transparent and well adhered to on both sides. 

Code of Conduct for Employees       Code of Conduct for Employees   
Environment, Health & Safety  Environment, Health & Safety
Social Media Guidelines  Social Media Guidelines
IMS Act adherence IMS Act Adherence
Benefits of Breast feeding  Benefits of Breast feeding
Privacy Policy  Privacy Policy